Prism Nexus 5 stack

Flying Smiles Kites

Sale price $270.00 Regular price $300.00

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5 stack of Prism Nexus kites set up and ready to fly! They have their stack lines attached and leading edges assembled to aide in ease of assembly for you! 

Most of the kites have bridles still attached, but one does not. Some of the kites are in like new condition, some are used. The main wear points are on the leading edges of a few kites where the stack lines have worn (shown in second picture). The sails are in otherwise great condition. This wear will not affect the flight of the kites, but we'll include a length of ripstop tape in the package in case you want to seal it off. 

Package comes with one original nexus bag with lineset for flying a single kite. You will want to use an heavier lineset than provided to fly the stack complete!! Also includes a duffel bag that the original owner used to keep the stack assembled in the bag. Last photo shows bags next to stack.