CAKE information for attendees
First of all - thanks for signing up for CAKE (The Carolina Kitebuilding Event). It'll start on Friday March 8 at 3pm eastern, and run through Sunday March 10 at 2:30pm eastern. After the workshop concludes on Sunday, we'll head to the beach to fly our new creations, and have a group dinner afterwards.
If you haven't already, please send your $125 registration to:
Paypal: (Catherine Shook) Please send as "Friends and Family" or add an additional $5 to cover the fees related to "Goods and Services"
Check: Made out to Flying Smiles Kites and mailed to PO Box 247 Corolla NC 27927
Ok, now to the point of this page! We're coming up on it, so key details from the instructors follow in the coming paragraphs. Please read it all over and contact any of us (Cassie, Andy and Craig) if you have questions. Please be sure to check your email. We've already sent information about the workshops in January. For Andy's class - there will be plenty of scrap material in the room to share, and some yardage that can purchased from fellow kitebuilders, but you'll want to bring fabric if you've got it!
Basic supplies needed:
- A sewing machine. Please ensure that it's fully functional before the workshop. We will have a few loaners on hand, but these should be reserved for emergency needs!
- Lots of extra needles. We use "Sharp" needles on ripstop, so check your package the make sure they're the right kind. (No ballpoint or jersey needles please)
- Extra thread (we recommend polyester thread. Gutermann is great, but some machines prefer other brands. Please bring the best thread for your machine!)
- Colorful thread, too! These projects allow for a lot of creativity. You'll want thread to match your cell colors, sail colors and applique colors for the sled, and can match your pennant banners too. (Don't forget bobbins)
- Scissors - regular and applique
- An extension cord (we don't know how far it is from the tables to the power sources!)
- Any supplies that you want to show the other kitebuilders that you find are handy!
Workshop 1 - Craig Rodgerson Compass Rose Sled Kite
Please bring $50 (cash) to the workshop to give directly to Craig.
You should have received this in your email already - but please respond to Craig ASAP if you haven't already.
I recommend BLACK for the main sail color as most other colors seem to
POP and show brighter against black. The appliqué technique we will be using shows a black outline on the Compass Rose on Front AND Back. Choosing a color other than black adds an EXTRA layer and more steps in "back cutting."
Color you have chosen for the rear cells
Color you have chosen for the edge binding
(Choose one)
(this is also one of the two colors in the
Compass Rose Appliqué)
Ocean Blue
Neon Green
Neon Blue
Dark Blue
Flo Raspberry

Flo Pink
Dark Blue

Each set is
One piece of 1" by 10 ft (WHITE)
One piece of 1" by 10 ft (Second Color-Your Choice from rolls at workshop)
The colors available in 10' lengths for secondary color in tails is limited.
Choose from the colors and I will email back a confirmation if the tail colors
are available.
Rear Cells Color and
Primary Appliqué:_____________________
Secondary Appliqué Color:________________________
Workshop 2 - Andy Burchfield Pennant Banners
Please bring $35 (cash) to the workshop to give directly to Andy

(4) 1 yard of each color 3/4 Ripstop Nylon (54" or 60" wide) (You can upgrade to 1.5oz for longer banner life)
12 yards 1" Nylon Tape
2 yards (40" total Needed) 3" Edge Binding Dacron Tape
2 Colors 3/8"x21' Grosgrain Solid Ribbon
2 Colors 5/8"x21' Grosgrain Solid Ribbon
Beacon Adhesives Fabric Tac Permanent Adhesive